Students Guidelines

  1. Respect for self….Respect for others…Respect for property…Respect for environment

  2. Always speak the truth, no matter the consequences. It will NEVER be as bad as being caught in a lie.

  3. Before entering a room where a class is in session, KNOCK and WAIT for the teacher present to give you permission to enter.

  4. Celebrate and appreciate each others differences. How boring the world would be if we were all the same.

  5. Hands and feet are used for positive work and play.

  6. If you have nothing good to say about someone … say nothing.

  7. IPODS, MP3’s or any other electronic items are not permitted on the school compound.

  8. Merits are given to those who deserve them in all areas: Academics, Art, Sports, Punctuality, Attendance, and Good Citizenship. (The Principal reserves the right to give merits at her/his discretion.)

  9. NOTHING but the BEST is good enough.

  10. Permission Must be asked of the Principal or the Assistant Principal for students to bring a laptop to school.

  11. Persons caught Chewing gum on the property will be fined EC$10.00.

  12. Say that work belongs to you ONLY if it is really yours.

  13. Visitors to the school MUST be treated with respect and be made to feel welcomed.

  14. Weapons and drugs found on the property lead to the expulsion of all persons involved.

  15. When a teacher or the Principal enters the room, stand and say “Good Morning/ Good Afternoon.”

  16. When the bell rings, proceed quickly and quietly along the verandah to class.

Mark Scheme

A+  90-100     GPA 4
A    80-89.99   GPA 3.7
A-   75-79.99  GPA 3.5
B+  70-74.99  GPA 3.3
B    65-69.99   GPA 3
B-   60-64.99   GPA 2.8
C+  55-55.99  GPA 2.7 
C    50-54.99   GPA 2
D    40-49.99   (not a pass)



Dress Code

  1. All students are expected to attend school in St. Anthony’s Secondary School uniform.

  2. All students are to be well groomed. Hairstyles should not be of a style or colour that distracts or interferes with learning.

  3. Hair should be tied back away from the face so that the eyes are not covered. Tie-backs should be in school colours, either brown or beige.

  4. Nail polish and artificial nails are not permitted.

  5. The use of make up is not permitted.

  6. Boys are not permitted to wear earrings.

  7. Girls are permitted to wear a single pair of earrings, studs or hoops no larger than a twenty-five cent piece.

  8. A gold or silver chain is acceptable so long as it remains on the inside of the uniform.

  9. Students are permitted to wear a watch.

  10. Only friendships bracelets in the school colours are permitted to be worn along with Medi-Alert bracelets.

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